Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027 Home

Special Planning Meeting – October 2020 to March 2021

Note: If you wish to seek assistance with respect to the outcome of your submission then please email your submission number to

Overview of Appendices

Appendix 1 – Key Strategic Submissions and Group Submissions

This Appendix is the book of submissions provided to the Elected Members, which sets out the detail of the Key Strategic and Group Submissions and the Chief Executive’s recommendation on each. 

Appendix 2 – Submissions on Chapters 2-11

This Appendix is the book of submissions provided to the Elected Members, which sets out the detail of the Submissions received relevant to Chapters 2-11 of the draft County Development Plan and the Chief Executive’s recommendation on each.

Appendix 3 – Settlement Submissions (Part 1)

This Appendix is the book of submissions provided to the Elected Members, which sets out the detail of the Submissions received pertaining to Settlement Tiers 1-3 and the Chief Executive’s recommendation on each.

Appendix 4 – Settlement Submissions (Part 2)

This Appendix is the book of submissions provided to the Elected Members, which sets out the detail of the Submissions received pertaining to Settlement Tiers 4-6 and the Chief Executive’s recommendation on each.

Appendix 5 – All Submissions and Outcome on Submissions

This Appendix sets out the outcome of the Elected Members consideration of the submissions and also lists all submissions received. 

Appendix 6 – Notices of Motions submitted by Elected Members

This Appendix is the book of Notices of Motion (NoM) submitted by the Elected Members and the Chief Executive’s recommendation on each. This book was provided to the Elected Members in advance of the Special Planning Meeting.

Appendix 7 – Notices of Motion (From the Floor) submitted by Elected Members during the Special Planning Meetings (November-March)

This Appendix is a book of Notices of Motion from the floor (NoM(FTF)) submitted by  the Elected Members and considered during the Special Planning Meeting.